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Icon Of Sin Doom 3

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Brutal Doom or Arsenal Addon - Easy - Powerful weapons made short work of boss and minions. MSX - Medium - Only thing that made this hard was the spawning of monsters. Hard - More spawns means more ass whooping for player. Ww-doomnukem - Easy - Powerful weapons made short work of boss and minions. The Icon of Sin (aka Final Boss) is the final boss encountered in Doom II.See this walkthrough for a gameplay description of the boss in its original level. The Icon of Sin appears as a massive, goat-like biomechanical head on a wall, with a surgically exposed brain that allows it to spawn endless scores of demons. 2013-8-4  Like many others, I wanted to fight a real monster, under the same 'Shoot it until it dies' policy as we used against the Cyberdemon and Spidermastermind in the first game. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you the missing Doom 2 actor! The real Icon of Sin! This is a MAP30 replacement for Doom 2 or Final Doom. 2020-3-24  毁灭战士3高音质主题曲(DOOM3 Main Theme ) BreadKnight 999 播放 1 弹幕 毁灭战士:永恒-预告片BGM(清晰+加长版) -By Crispies xspNoble33 2563 播放 2 弹幕 DOOM乱入任天堂大乱斗 我的世界鸽子精 2.9万 播放 77 弹幕 【毁灭战士永恒翻弹. Expect a fight as epic as difficult against one of the most iconic enemies of the franchise.

ByAND/Aug. 1, 2019 8:12 pm EDT/Updated: April 27, 2020 2:00 pm EDT

In the opening moments of the 2016 Doom reboot, the Doom Slayer wakes to discover the latest mess he'll have to mop up. Not even five seconds into Samuel Hayden's briefing, the Slayer shoves the monitor aside, finds himself a shotgun, and cocks it to the beat of his own theme music. It's one of the most badass scenes in gaming.

No on would blame you for thinking, 'Oh, I know exactly what my objective is in this game, and it mostly involves performing profane acts on every demon I see.' Believe it or not, the Doom franchise does have a story woven through each new entry, and it's slightly more involved than you might think. The narrative is complex enough that a debate still rages over where certain games fall on the timeline or if the protagonist is even the same person throughout.

Here's what you might have missed during your relentless search for keycards and chainsaws. Sit down and enjoy this tale about the happy boy they now call the Doom Slayer.

A space lord's story - Doom (1993)

The story begins in the distant future. Space travel is pretty much down pat. The hero — who, right now, is best referred to as the Marine — is, well, a Marine. Tough as nails, Semper Fi, gung-ho, the whole nine. Things go awry for the poor man's career, however, when he assaults a superior officer for ordering his men to fire on innocent civilians.

The USMC ships the Marine off to Mars to be bored out of his skull as a glorified security guard for the United Aerospace Corporation, a conglomerate that has its dirty little fingers in every pie. That includes secret experiments into inter-dimensional teleportation technology on Mars' moons, Phobos and Deimos. The experiments aren't going well even at the best of times, with the people who pass through the two working portals on each moon emerging physically or mentally broken.

One day, the situation gets exponentially worse when Mars receives a distress call from Phobos stating, 'Something fraggin' evil is coming out of the Gateways.' That's exacerbated by the fact Deimos just straight up vanishes from the sky. The Marine and his buddies check out Phobos, with the Marine left guarding the perimeter. When the radio eventually goes silent, the Marine has no choice but to take a pistol and see what's going on for himself. No pressure, though.

The long, hard road out of Hell - Doom (1993)

The Marine is met with a harrowing scene inside the Phobos base. The few remaining humans are non-verbal and hostile, attempting to shoot their former squad mate on sight. A host of snarling, disgusting demons who like to throw fire at you joins them. Still, there's enough weaponry lying around the place for the Marine to make quick, steaming work of most opponents. Just think of your average hamburger grinder and imagine that grinder has a Marine's face. That's basically this series when it's not plot time.

Eventually, the Marine finds the portal leading to Deimos, which (surprise surprise) is crawling with demons, sacrilegious imagery, and pulsating architecture. After fighting through the Deimos base and killing a Cyberdemon abomination merged with some human tech, the Marine finds out the awful truth: Deimos has been teleported to Hell itself.

Thankfully, the Marine has some demon-killing experience. He rappels down to the surface and fights his way to the ugly sucker who plotted the invasion: the Spiderdemon. After leaving it a bloody pile of guts, the Marine takes the portal back to Earth and lives happily ever after. Just kidding! Hell has already invaded Earth, and billions of people are dead.

Real Icon Of Sin

A world painted in blood - Doom 2: Hell on Earth


With Earth transformed into a literal hellhole, humanity's leaders get the bright idea to take what's left of the species, launch into space, and wait for the whole ordeal to blow over. A decent plan, except for the fact demons have surrounded Earth's last operating spaceport with a barrier of flame. Not a huge deal for a guy that's already killed his way through a legion of demons just to get to Earth, so the humans do manage to take off into the stratosphere.

Not long after, the Marine gets a message from the human leaders stating they've found the source of the invasion: a portal in the Marine's hometown. Since there's no way to close it from the Earth side, the Marine treks straight into Hell once more to find the source of it all: the Icon of Sin. After one of the most annoying fights imaginable, the Icon collapses. The Marine finally make his way back to Earth with the rest of his species to begin the rebuilding process.

Facing the Mother of All Demons - Doom 64

The Marine tries to recover but, despite all the tests and treatments, he still suffers from nightmares. Meanwhile, back on Mars, the demon problem persists, prompting the UAC to blanket Phobos and Deimos with apocalyptic levels of radiation. Unfortunately, the radiation has a nasty habit of blocking the UAC's sensor equipment, eventually allowing the literal Mother of All Demons to slip into the dimension.

The Mother resurrects every single slain monster, making them stronger and nastier than ever. Thankfully, the Marine's got some serious mental issues to work out, and this little incident is just the catharsis he needs. After killing his way through the demonic horde, he finds himself back in Hell, face to face with the Mother — a face he takes great pleasure in rearranging with every rocket he owns.

At this point, it becomes clear the demons aren't going to stop coming .. unless someone cuts them off at the root, that is. Faced with this, the Marine makes the ultimate sacrifice. He closes the portal from the Hell side, remaining there to ensure no demon ever gets it through its thick, viscous brain meats to set foot on Earth again.

Walk with me in Hell - Doom (2016)

At this point, the story and timeline get a bit murky. The Marine's next exploits take place in Hell, recorded by demons with a flair for the dramatic. But there's a few hard facts gleaned from the codex known in-game as the Slayer's Testament.

The Marine kills with extreme prejudice right away, lasting for eons in Hell time. This earns him a few perks, with a being called Seraphim granting him 'terrible power and speed.' This upgrade accounts for how the dude rips demons apart with his hands later. Play intrusion 2 hacked full version. He also receives some Hell-forged armor upgrades and the ability to 'draw strength from his fallen foes,' which might explain why he no longer requires first aid kits.

Most importantly, the Marine gains a hardcore new moniker: the Doom Slayer. After eons of killing, though, the Slayer was bound to make a mistake: he follows a demon into a temple where the priests promptly drop the entire thing on his head. This incapacitates him just long enough to separate him from his suit, seal his body in a sarcophagus, and mark it with a warning to all of Hell that he should never be released.

A legend reborn - Doom (2016)

At some point in the future, the UAC, under the new management of a cyborg named Samuel Hayden, manages to crack the whole teleportation business once and for all. Hayden runs research trips to study demons and artifacts and harnesses Hell's power to solve an energy crisis back on Earth. It's not the brightest idea, but one of the trips leads to Hayden finding the Doom Slayer's sarcophagus and bringing it to his facility on Mars.

Unfortunately, one of Hayden's scientists, Olivia Pierce, ends up under the demons' thrall. She opens a portal, allowing the demons to flood through en masse, killing almost everyone. In his desperation, Hayden lets the Doom Slayer off the chain, unsealing his sarcophagus and offering a brief rundown, one the Doom Slayer doesn't need to hear. The man knows exactly what he's doing.

The number of the beast - Doom (2016)

The Slayer developes a sort of working relationship with Hayden over time, one that's just enough to keep his facility from falling apart. Hayden installs a tether device on the Slayer, allowing him to travel back and forth to Hell without relying on Hell's crappy transit system. However, given a choice between priceless scientific research and an object that lets him tear more demons apart, the Slayer chooses the latter.

After reaching Pierce's office, the full plan comes to light. Pierce discovered an artifact called the Crucible, a literal Hellblade (no, not thatHellblade) capable of absorbing incredible amounts of energy. Enough to slay legions of demons with a flick of the wrist or open a permanent portal in and out of Hell. After dealing with a new and improved Cyberdemon and two Hell Guards, the Slayer manages to claim the Crucible for himself.

After using the Crucible to destroy the power sources keeping the portals open, the Slayer returns to Hell and confronts Pierce, whose grand prize for doing Hell's bidding is apparently being turned into the next iteration of Spiderdemon. After introducing her to the business end of his BFG 9000, what should be a hero's welcome turns into a betrayal. Hayden takes the Crucible for himself to continue his research and uses the Slayer's tether to transport him to an unknown location, setting the stage for Doom Eternal.

The Khan Maykr and the return of the Icon of Sin - Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal takes place years after the events of the 2016 Doom reboot. The Doom Slayer arrives back on Earth to find the planet at the mercy of the now corrupt UAC. Demons have wiped out 60% of the population and the remnants of humanity have either fled or joined the ARC, a flagging resistance movement.

To stop the demonic invasion, the Doom Slayer must find and eliminates three Hell Priests in the service of the Khan Maykr, an angelic creature bent on resurrecting the Icon of Sin and sacrificing mankind. As the Doom Slayer moves towards his goal, he discovers the Khan Maykr allied with Hell, offering the demonic host worlds to invade in exchange for a share of Argent energy. This energy, which the Maykrs need to preserve their people and homeland, is harvested by mass sacrificing human souls.

Driver_irql_not_less_or_equal netwbw02 sys windows 10. After eliminating the Hell Priests, the Slayer travels to Urdark, the Maykr dimension, and interrupts the Icon of Sin's awakening ceremony. Freed from the Khan Maykr's control, the Icon of Sin teleports to Earth. The Slayer fights and defeats the Khan Maykr before returning to Earth to face the Icon of Sin in a final boss fight.


Doom II maps 21-30
  • MAP30: Icon of Sin

(21 - 30)
Secret maps:3132

This level occupies the map slot MAP30. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP30.
The Doom II boss

MAP30: Icon of Sin is the thirtieth and final map of Doom II. It was designed by Sandy Petersen and uses the music track 'Opening To Hell'.

After completing MAP30, the cast of game characters is shown.

  • 1Walkthrough
    • 1.3Secrets
  • 3Speedrunning
  • 4Deathmatch
  • 5Statistics


Map of Icon of Sin
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Pick up the weapons and powerups and go through the teleporter. You will arrive at the lowest one on a series of large step-like platforms. The Icon of Sin will make its unholy introductory speech and then immediately begin spawning monsters endlessly. It can spawn any monster in the game, with the exceptions of the bosses (the cyberdemon and the spiderdemon) and the different kinds of former humans, who are not demonic in nature. Each step in the simple construction is an elevator which can be activated by pressing on the demonic face on its side. Be ready to defeat or bypass the first monsters created by the boss and be careful with the incoming cubes as they may telefrag you, independent of whether or not you are invincible by means of the God mode or invulnerable by means of the invulnerability artifact. Get to the top step and use the demonic switch found there. A small platform in the slime pool at the bottom of the steps will rise up.

Before heading up, if you are playing the level using the Ultra-Violence or Nightmare! difficulty, kill the revenant - it may disrupt your rocket attacks. When the pillar-like platform in the slime has stopped rising, press on its side. The square pillar will lower to the floor as an elevator. Stand on the pillar and select the rocket launcher. Turn to face the huge cybernetic face of the boss on the wall over the platform across the series of steps. The platform will rise. Slightly before the elevator reaches the top, launch a rocket towards the demon's exposed brain. If timed correctly, the rocket will enter the opening exposing the brain and an echoing low-pitched pain sound will be heard. It takes practice to time correctly, although one can say that firing as the tip of the rocket launcher reaches the gigantic demon's chin is reliable. Three direct hits are generally necessary to defeat the boss. When defeated, explosions occur in front of its hideous visage and the game exits to the intermission screen.

Other points of interest[edit]

Advanced techniques to destroy the boss quickly include running down to the rising pillar from the switch atop the huge steps, lowering the pillar from the edge once it has reached the top to fire again and firing while jumping off the pillar, possibly towards the platform below the face to acquire some powerups.

An alternative method to complete the level uses a hitscan attack. The arch-vile's attack can fly you in the air and make you land on the face of the boss. Once there, you need to aim very accurately at a certain angle with a hitscan weapon to inflict damage to the final boss. [1]

Icon Of Sin Doom

Dodging the horde of monsters spawned by the boss is a challenge, and often one must lure a group of monsters away from the platform before jumping on it again or kill them with the BFG or another high-powered weapon. Arch-viles, pain elementals, arachnotrons, and revenants are particularly disruptive as their advanced attack modes can easily hinder or damage the vulnerable player atop the pillar. Pain elementals and arch-viles should be focused on if the player takes on the horde, as the pain elemental's ability to spawn lost souls endlessly and the arch-vile's ability to resurrect slain demons are even more dangerous than usual when combined with the endless stream of demons created by the Icon of Sin.

Two radiation suits are located on the platform directly below the evil visage. They are a convenience against the damaging slime at the foot of the pillar, although lower skill levels (1 and 2) provide four invulnerability powerups around it to ease the task for novices. Monster infighting and some monster telefragging will occur and help to limit how dense the horde becomes.



There are no official secrets in this level.


  1. Using the idclipcheat code to pass into the head of the final boss reveals the violently severed head of John Romero, impaled on a spike. The place is unreachable by normal means and does not register as a secret but can be considered an Easter egg. Shooting the head also ends the level. As a side note to the Romero-on-a-stick joke, when the player enters the main battlefield, they are greeted with an arcane chant spelled by the boss. When played backwards, it is actually Romero's distorted voice saying 'To win the game you must kill me, John Romero'.


There is a single inaccessible linedef outside the map on the eastern side. The line is a part of an unclosed sector.

The linedefs that make up the right side (its right) of the Icon of Sin's face are 264 map units long. However, the textures are only 256 pixels wide, which causes all three of them to repeat eight map units across from the center of the face. The most noticeable effect is that the right horn is separated from the Icon's head. The linedefs which represent the left side of the face are 256 map units long and thus do not exhibit the error.

The textures used for the middle of the face feature a dark brown background behind the face, whereas the textures used for the horns feature a black background. They can be seen to clash under the left horn.

If the level is played on Nightmare! difficulty or with the -respawnparameter set, respawning monsters may telefrag the player if they respawn at the player's exact coordinate at any height of his vertical column.

If the player remains in the level for a long period of time after being detected by the spawn shooter, the level will fill up with monsters. If many monsters populate the level, it can cause a crash due to the nature of the Icon of Sin that endlessly fires its spawn shooter cubes that turn into monsters when reaching any given surface. The possible crash occurs when the number of living monsters exceeds the limitations.

Savegames have specific problems in the level. If the player saves a game after having woken up the final boss, quits the program and then returns to load the savegame, a Venetian blind crash will occur. A detailed explanation can be read here.

The spawn shooter in the level is placed facing directly east. East corresponds to zero angle in Doom coordinates, so the level designer probably forgot to give the spawner's thing proper orientation. It does not hinder the spawner's ability to shoot cubes, as they simply fly straight to their preset target spots. Also, it still wakes up normally as soon as the player teleports into the final area, since the player's teleport destination lies within its 180-degree field of view. However, it will not notice the player if he enters the cavern from the western side of the map using the no clipping cheat.

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Lineage 1 bot program for chatting. Originally, Compet-n had a 'maximum kills' challenge for the level different from UV max, in which the objective was to get the highest percentage of kills one could. However, in l30-1840.lmp, recorded on July 9, 1996, Kai-Uwe Humpert demonstrated that if you wake up the monster spawner as soon as you teleport into the boss' room, stay on the platform you teleport on and stand near either one of the southernmost corners of the next highest platform all without firing a shot, you will be out of the sight of every one of the monsters created and they will never wake up. From there, you can wait while the monsters telefrag each other to get as many kills as you want, potentially by leaving your computer on overnight, and then finish the level after that. Because of the discovery, the 'maximum kills' challenge was discontinued the day of the demo's release.

The Tyson category for the level was once thought impossible due to the difficulty of reaching the final boss with any close range weapon. However, since the method of using an arch-vile jump to land on the face of the final boss and attacking the final boss with a hitscan weapon was discovered, an unassisted demo was made by Looper using the trick to kill the final boss with a pistol. Similarly a method of killing the final boss in the Pacifist category, by utilizing multiple consecutive arch-vile jumps and squeezing the player's corpse through the hole, was discovered by Zero Master, though it has only been accomplished in a tool-assisted run.

Current records[edit]

The Compet-n records for the map are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed1
NM speed00:30Adam
UV max00:30Adam
UV -fast00:30Ian Sabourin (sslasher)
UV -respawn00:30Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo)
UV pacifist2

The data was last verified in its entirety on July 6, 2020.

  1. Compet-n does not maintain a UV speed competition for this level because of the runs' equivalence with UV max. [2]
  2. Not believed to be possible unassisted.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains five spawn points:

  1. facing south. (thing 74)
  2. facing south. (thing 75)
  3. facing north. (thing 76)
  4. facing north. (thing 77)
  5. facing north. (thing 78)


Map data[edit]

* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 76.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Romero's head1
Monster spawner1
Spawn spot13
Super shotgun1
Rocket launcher1
Plasma gun1
Box of bullets7
Box of shotgun shells4
Box of rockets18
Energy cell pack5
Radiation shielding suit2
Teleport landing1
Romero's head1
Monster spawner1
Spawn spot13
Super shotgun2
Rocket launcher2
Plasma gun2
Box of bullets7
Box of shotgun shells4
Box of rockets18
Energy cell pack5
Radiation shielding suit2
Cooperative start4
Deathmatch start5
Teleport landing1

Technical information[edit]

A par time of 3:00 is defined in the source code (g_game.c), but never actually displayed. Some source ports do generate intermission screens for the original boss levels which include their par times.


The official French name of this level is L'Icône du péché (accents are not reflected in the game itself due to technical limitations).

External links[edit]

  • MAP30 demos from the Compet-n database: NM speed • UV max • UV -fast • UV -respawn • UV Tyson
  • MAP30 demos at the Doomed Speed Demos Archive
  • Top-down perspective view of all Doom II levels by Ian Albert
Retrieved from ''

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